Impact of Color in the Office

Impact of Color in the Office

Paint color is one of the most significant aspects of interior design because it has the ability to greatly influence the atmosphere and energy of each room. The paint color of an office space also has the power to promote productivity and generate calming energies,...
House Painting Tips for New Home Owners

House Painting Tips for New Home Owners

Purchasing a house is exciting, but slightly stressful. A new home signals the beginning of a new chapter and holds within it a world of possibilities waiting to unfold. Revamping your new house doesn”™t require much money or time, but can be accomplished with a fresh...
Understanding the Purpose of Primer and When to Use It

Understanding the Purpose of Primer and When to Use It

Looking for a cost effective way to transform your home”™s aesthetic? A fresh coat of paint can make a world of difference in your home”™s appearance, and certain colors can even make a room appear more spacious. Before you begin painting or hire a...
Colors For a Chic Accent Wall

Colors For a Chic Accent Wall

If you”™d like to add some personality to your home, a chic accent wall is a great way to achieve a bold, eye-catching look. A fresh coat of paint can breathe new life into any room, and a pop of unexpected color makes for an excellent conversation starter when...

The Dangers of Lead Paint

There is a high likelihood that anyone who lives in and owns their own home has at some point done some home renovation and redecorating that involved painting either the interior or exterior (or both) walls of their house. Each year, many people redecorate their home...