The Importance of Fresh Paint When Selling A Home

The Importance of Fresh Paint When Selling A Home

Interested in selling your Boulder home? It”™s important to showcase a property that stands apart from its neighbors but also fits the community”™s aesthetic and our city”™s lush natural surroundings. Boulder home painting of your interior and exterior will let your...
Freshen Up with Summer Paint Colors

Freshen Up with Summer Paint Colors

Summer”™s lazy afternoons and warmly colored sunsets make it one of the best seasons in Colorado. Bringing the summer inside all year long is easier than you think, especially when partnering with professional painters in Boulder. If you”™re looking to spruce up your...
Novel Ideas for Painted Statement Ceilings

Novel Ideas for Painted Statement Ceilings

When designing a stunning room, most home owners tend to focus on the interior décor, flooring, and wall color. However, an often overlooked but equally important piece of any room is its ceiling. Just look up. Is yours a plain beige, egg-shell, or muted off-white?...
How to Achieve the Perfect Bathroom Paint Job

How to Achieve the Perfect Bathroom Paint Job

Looking for an easy way to upgrade your bathroom? If you”™re hoping to avoid an expensive makeover, skip the new tile flooring or backsplash and opt for a fresh paint job. A new coat of paint   can have transformative effects on any room of the house, and the...